Picture Gallery
Scroll down to see pictures from The Brunch Bunch Mentoring Program. Then, keep scrolling below that section to see pictures from other aspects of The 11-10-02 Foundation's efforts including: Sports & Seniors, our Volunteers, our Grant Recipients & our Scholars.
Each week, The Brunch Bunch participants did more than meet for brunch. For instance, they played basketball or volunteered with senior citizens. These activities -- athletics & volunteering -- were two additional fun ways to give The Brunch Bunch Members an opportunity to discover common ground. The latter also made it possible for the intergenerational program to include another generation of participants (students, young professionals and, now, senior citizens as well). Over time, other people -- who were not part of The Brunch Bunch -- also have joined in on visits to spend time with seniors. Collectively, young professionals & students have spent more than 1,000 hours with seniors through these initiatives. Scroll down for a sample of a few pictures from these activities.
The time spent at the brunches and the time spent with seniors are just two of the ways that the group has volunteered its time. Members of The Brunch Bunch have also volunteered their time together on other occasions. For example, some of the students & adults volunteered their time to help build a garden in the otherwise empty atrium at a local school. After the first 70 weeks of brunch, Greg expanded his efforts and established The 11-10-02 Foundation. To this day, more than 15 years later, it remains a 100% volunteer-run organization. Over the years, many people have lent their time, in ways big & small, behind the scenes to support The 11-10-02 Foundation. In total, between The Brunch Bunch Mentoring Program and these other efforts, The 11-10-02 Foundation has generated tens of thousands of hours of volunteer service. Scroll down for a few examples of those volunteers and those efforts to serve.
Along the way, The 11-10-02 Foundation looked for more and more ways to extend its impact. The nonprofit organization began providing schools & organizations with in-kind grants (such as computers, scientific calculators, books, art materials and other supplies) &/or financial grants to help cover the cost of these educational needs. The 11-10-02 Foundation also gave similar in-kind or financial grants to individual students. In total, The 11-10-02 Foundation has given tens of thousands of dollars in education-related grants to students, schools and organizations. Scroll down for 100 examples of the grants distributed by The 11-10-02 Foundation.
Over time, as The 11-10-02 Foundation raised more money, its efforts have expanded further. It began funding & selecting recipients for college scholarships for students with financial need. The scholarships have benefited students who are studying in a variety of fields at community colleges, colleges, universities and graduate schools. The 11-10-02 Foundation has now funded & provided scholarships to students in more than 20 states around the nation. In 1 or 2 special instances, The 11-10-02 Foundation has been given the opportunity to select a recipient for an internal scholarship created by a school. For instance, a university created a scholarship and put up their own funds and then allowed The 11-10-02 Foundation to select the recipient. In a couple other special instances, a university agreed to match an 11-10-02 Foundation Scholarship. For instance, 11-10-02 funded a scholarship for a student. The school he attended was proud of the student's success - and - matched The 11-10-02 Foundation with their own internal funds. Scroll down for 100 examples of The 11-10-02 Foundation Scholars. CLICK THE PHOTOS FOR COMPLETE IMAGES.
"Thank you to everyone who has been part of this experience.
We've come a long way from three milkshakes."
- Greg Forbes Siegman
Founder, The 11-10-02 Foundation
We've come a long way from three milkshakes."
- Greg Forbes Siegman
Founder, The 11-10-02 Foundation
To contribute to The 11-10-02 Foundation ($10 and up), click here.