what we do
from MISSION: The 11-10-02 Foundation's Mission is to break down barriers & stereotypes while also funding grants & scholarships for students with financial need (&/or to provide grants to the schools which they attend & programs/organizations which help educate them). The Foundation has pursued this Mission through its BrunchBunch.com Mentoring Program & through its ongoing funding & distribution of Grants & Scholarships.
MENTORING PROGRAM: The BrunchBunch.com Program was created in March 1997. When The 11-10-02 Foundation was created in July 1998, it began overseeing the program. BrunchBunch.com brought people together of diverse backgrounds through group brunches & activities (typically basketball or a visit to a local facility for seniors). For the first 243 weeks, the program convened every weekend. More than 700 students & adults took part in the program. The students are now grown up. So, the group no longer meets every week.
GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS: The 11-10-02 Foundation gives out grants & scholarships to selected students, schools & organizations. The Foundation has given out at least one grant or scholarship in all 50 states and Washington D.C. -- and has given out hundreds in all. The grants & scholarships given out by 11-10-02 have ranged in size -- from $25 to $15,000 (with most between $500 & $2,000). The grants are typically one-time donations, but on some occasions, the Foundation has given multiple grants to an organization over time. The scholarships are almost always one-time donations, but on rare occasions, the Foundation has given a second scholarship to a student. In some instances, 11-10-02 also has been able to get a school to 'match' the Foundation's scholarship (i.e. 11-10-02 donated $5,000 to a university to fund a scholarship for a student. The school 'matched' it & gave an additional $5,000 to the selected student). The Grants for organizations & schools are earmarked for educational needs such as books, computers or supplies (ie art materials or scientific calculators). The Scholarships for students are earmarked for the students' college tuition or textbooks. There is no way for a student or school to seek out an 11-10-02 Foundation Grant or Scholarship.
MENTORING PROGRAM: The BrunchBunch.com Program was created in March 1997. When The 11-10-02 Foundation was created in July 1998, it began overseeing the program. BrunchBunch.com brought people together of diverse backgrounds through group brunches & activities (typically basketball or a visit to a local facility for seniors). For the first 243 weeks, the program convened every weekend. More than 700 students & adults took part in the program. The students are now grown up. So, the group no longer meets every week.
GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS: The 11-10-02 Foundation gives out grants & scholarships to selected students, schools & organizations. The Foundation has given out at least one grant or scholarship in all 50 states and Washington D.C. -- and has given out hundreds in all. The grants & scholarships given out by 11-10-02 have ranged in size -- from $25 to $15,000 (with most between $500 & $2,000). The grants are typically one-time donations, but on some occasions, the Foundation has given multiple grants to an organization over time. The scholarships are almost always one-time donations, but on rare occasions, the Foundation has given a second scholarship to a student. In some instances, 11-10-02 also has been able to get a school to 'match' the Foundation's scholarship (i.e. 11-10-02 donated $5,000 to a university to fund a scholarship for a student. The school 'matched' it & gave an additional $5,000 to the selected student). The Grants for organizations & schools are earmarked for educational needs such as books, computers or supplies (ie art materials or scientific calculators). The Scholarships for students are earmarked for the students' college tuition or textbooks. There is no way for a student or school to seek out an 11-10-02 Foundation Grant or Scholarship.
To make a contribution to The 11-10-02 Foundation, click Donate