The 11-10-02 foundation newsletter
Scroll down to see articles from The 11-10-02 Foundation's Spring 2022 Newsletter
In March of 1997, a group of people shared a table and a meal. In the blink of an eye, 25 years have now passed since that first brunch. It is surreal to think how much the world has changed in that time. That is especially clear in terms of technology and how we connect. The world did not yet know Google or Facebook. And forget smart phones and social media. The internet itself was still relatively new to many of us. In our little corner of the world, times have changed since the days of those first brunches as well. That program, The Brunch Bunch, led to the start of The 11-10-02 Foundation. To this day, the foundation – still 100% volunteer run – continues to do its best to make a small but meaningful difference in its local community and other communities around the country. In fact, at this point, we have now funded grants and scholarships in all 50 states & Washington DC. So, in that sense, we’ve come a long way since the days of those first brunches, too! Whether you came to a brunch or volunteered your time in another way or contributed financially, we appreciate everyone who has helped out in some way at some point over these past two and a half decades.
Over the past couple decades, The 11-10-02 Foundation has given out grants all across the country. That tradition continued the past few months as the foundation funded new grants to benefit youth in South Dakota, North Carolina, Tennessee and New Jersey. In each instance, 11-10-02 selected nonprofit organizations that
assist youth in those places and then funded grants to support those efforts. For example, in New Jersey, 11-10-02’s donation has made it possible for a local nonprofit to purchase educational supplies to use in their efforts to teach science and technology-related topics to local youth. To learn more about The 11-10-02 Foundation’s efforts, click here.
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The 11-10-02 Foundation,
there are two ways:
(1) By check - make it out to
‘The 11-10-02 Foundation’
& mail it to:
The 11-10-02 Foundation
PO Box 5163
Evanston, IL 60204
(2) By credit card ($10 and up) - click here
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